Get acquainted with a wallet
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Get acquainted with a wallet
Last updated
Wallet Profiler Overview gives you quick summary of a wallets holdings, volume, and overall activity.
On the left you will see the wallets total market value as well as its liquid value, which represents assets that can be instantly converted into ADA (e.g. NFTs with no active collection offers are not liquid since you cannot instantly sell them for ADA). Below that, you can see a breakdown of their current holdingsβincluding tokens, NFTs, and LP (liquidity provider) positions.
On the right, you can see their activity patterns, which includes anytime the wallet was involved in a transaction. This helps you figure out if they are more of a passive player or more of an active player. In the example above, you can see that this wallet is quite active. This also shows the days of the week and hours of the day they are most active. In the example above, you will see little to no activity between 7:00 UTC - 12:00 UTC, suggesting that they are probably sleeping at this time typically, and it's most likely not a bot.